Tuesday, August 25, 2009


There is definitely a common theme to all these pictures, don't ya think??

I can't believe my baby already has two teeth. The other day, (okay about a month ago*), Tyler came running in and said, "Mommy! Brookie is growing her teeth! She has two HUGE ones on the bottom now!" So, they're not quite as HUGE as he portrayed but they are definitely there and anxiously awaiting others...crazy!

Check out that drool! No wonder Tyler doesn't like her to "kiss" him.
He has to towel off everytime she does!
Cute teeth! Again, nice drool puddles.

Honestly! Does she have to look so big in this picture?!?

*First tooth came in on July 26th and the next one was about a week later.


  1. Tell her to stop growing up so fast. She looks so cute in those pictures!

  2. Teeth?! Are you kidding me? That's crazy. She is so cute and chubby! I need to meet her.
