Look who's getting sooooo BIG!
I had my four month appointment the other day and
everything went great except for the fact that I got poked one too many times!
The first one wasn't so bad but then they did more and I was NOT happy.
The doctor said that I look very healthy and my growth charts are right on track:
Weight: 14lbs. 11 oz -75%
Height: 25.5 inches-90%
Head: 16.25-60%
(Mom keeps telling me to stop growing so fast
but she's the one feeding me this cream-like milk....
what does she expect?!!)
Things I have learned in four months:
-My head is VERY heavy but I think I now have it under control.
-I love to smile and show off my cute dimple.
-Laughing is pretty fun too. My brother Tyler was the first to get me REALLY laughing.
-I've rolled over a couple times but I'm still trying to master it.
-I sleep through the night (started that one at about a month old...we ALL like a rested mommy better than a not-so-rested one :)
-My finger, thumb, blanket, shirt or entire fist work as a great pacifier.
-If I don't like the shirt mom put on me I can just drool all over it and she will change me
(I usually make her do this quite often)
-My family loves, loves, loves to hug, kiss, and squish me....a lot!
All in all, life has been pretty good to me so far.